Friday, 30 November 2018

Hooked on Cricket

Hooked on Cricket

On Monday the 19th November, the year 5 & 6 Students had the opportunity to go and play cricket.
We travelled to and from cricket on the bus, travelling with us were children from West Spreydon School.

The cricket was originally meant to be held at North Hagley Park, but there was a change of venue due to the weather forecast and we ended up being at Action Sports in Buchanans Road.

We were provided with lunch, morning tea and bottles of water. For morning tea we got to choose from biscuits or fruit and for Lunch we had Pita Pits.

St. Bernadette's School  and a few other schools were split into groups and the leaders were Canterbury Cricket Professional Cricket players, and they taught us how to play if we didn't already know.

Cricket was really enjoyable and we hope to do it again sometime.

Book Character Day

Book Character Day

Caleb, a Student in our room came up with the idea of having a Book Character Day.
Caleb and Paige were reading a Pixel Raider book and Caleb asked if there was going to be a Book Character Day, so they looked through a website to check but there was none. 

Caleb went to ask Mr Norman, and he thought it was a great idea to have a Book Character day so  Room 8 was given blank pieces of paper to make the poster's for Book Character Day.  

It was booked in for the Thursday the 15th of November, (a week after camp). 

When it was the Book Character Day, everyone was dressed up, and the main winner was Stanley but there were other winners. There was also a Sausage Sizzle on the same day!

Overall it was a fun day and even the teachers dressed up. 

*Here are some pictures of Caleb dressed up*

Friday, 2 November 2018

In Room 8, we have been learning how to write a persuasive piece of writing. Room 8 is persuading Mr Norman whether or not to move back to our original room or stay in 
Room 3. We have written our reasons why we should move back or stay in the room we are currently in.

The structure of a persuasive writing is

  - Title
  - Choose a side or give clear arguments for both sides
  - Strong opening statement
  - Reasons given and evidence to support the reasons
  - Strong conclusion summing up our point of view

We used the hamburger template to brainstorm what we are going to write. 
Here are some of our examples of persuasive writing

Moving back to Room 8

Dear Mr Norman,
I strongly believe we should stay in Room 3 for many reasons like
the bad heating or its longer too go for the P.A. and there's more space
in Room 3. Which I will elaborate on further in my argument.

In Room 8 I feel uncomfortable and claustrophobic.
In Room 3 we are neighbouring to the other classrooms in case of classroom

If we are moving from Room 8 our chromebook’s might get wet in the rain.
People with phones can leave through the office to get their phones and you
can growl at us easier.

In Room 3 the printer and photocopier are just around the corner.
We are also closer to first aid and medical equipment.
Furthermore we are closer to the exit.

It is more convenient to stay here this is why personally,
I strongly believe Room 8 as a class should stay in Room 3.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Mr Norman

I strongly believe that we should be allowed to move back to Room 8.
We only moved to Room 3 because of the Church being refurbished but now that
the Church is finished we can move back and are ready to move back to Room 8.

I would like to move back to Room 8 since a lot has happened in Room 3.
For instance arguments and drama, so we could get away from those memories,
and create new ones.

We would feel like part of the senior school since we would be near Room 6 full of
the year 7 and 8 students, It would mean alot to me if we could move to Room 8,
to be with the seniors, since year 6 and up are seniors.

If someone is busting to go to the toilet for any reason, it would be right there for them
to go. If we have been painting we can wash our hands there, instead of walking all
the way to the toilets like what we have to do in Room 3.

It will give us a chance to create new memories and for the other students to remember
their old memories, and I would remember when my sister was there.

In conclusion I firmly believe we should move back to Room 8 so we can create  new
memories to treasure.

Yours sincerely,

Shelby O’Donoghue From Room 8.